什麼是風險?談Risk Metrics(Beta、Treynor ratio)
還有一個Risk-adjusted return的表現方式,就是Treynor ratio。和Sharpe ratio一樣,Treynor ratio也是以一個無風險資產為比較基準,通常是用美國國庫券(Treasury bills) 。要計算Treynor ratio,要將該投資組合與無風險資產間的excess return除以該投資組合報酬的Beta。(ps Sharpe ratio是除以標準差)
譬如某基金的excess return是0.8%,Beta值是1.2,那麼它的Treynor ratio就是0.67。在比較的時候,Treynor ratio愈高愈好。
Treynor ratio有個缺點。因為它風險評量的部位是採用Beta值,而Beta值代表的是系統性風險(或說是市場風險)。假如投資組合中,有非系統性風險(或說是company-specific risk),Beta值就未能估算到。所以,Treynor ratio只適用於評估相當分散(well-diversified)的投資。
在”什麼是風險”這三篇文章中,第一篇提到的Standard Deviation、Risk of Loss、Value at Risk是絕對風險指標(Absolute risk measures),第二和第三篇提到的 Excess Return、Tracking Error、Information Ratio、Sharpe Ratio、Beta、Treynor ratio是相對風險指標(Relative risk measures)。
再來就是那些Risk-adjusted return的表現數值。很多投資人表較主動型基金,常拿Sharpe ratio出來比較。但其實,這都是過去。你有看過那家基金公司、那位基金經理人跟你保證,他們的Sharpe ratio可以維持?或者,你有沒有想過,過去的Sharpe ratio對未來的Sharpe ratio的預測性如何?答案是,這些金融界人士沒有人敢跟投資人保證Sharpe ratio是可以維持的。但他們也不明說。相關資料上就印出Sharpe ratio給你看。很多勤勞的投資人就呆呆的直接拿這些數字來比較。很多人連這些問題都沒想過,以為比較Sharpe ratio叫做作功課,其實要拿Sharpe ratio來比較過去表現,那OK。以為Sharpe ratio高的,以後就會高,請再想一想吧。太多人以為買基金就像買汽車。你看到外型怎樣,性能怎樣,買下去,它就是這樣子。很抱歉,基金的表現從來不是定型的。
不僅投資在同一市場的基金,它的Sharpe ratio會變動,各種資產它的Sharpe ratio也是會變的。有時候REIT高,有時候某地區市場高,有時候原物料高,但投資人千萬不要天真的以為,它會一直維持下去。各類資產的Sharpe ratio是個會隨時間變動的數字。
面對這許許多多的風險度量,投資人就自己的投資目標進行選擇。譬如你要的是貼近市場的報酬,你要看的是tracking error。譬如你對超出或低於平均的機率一樣在意,那麼你要看的是標準差。譬如你在意的是,每分風險可以換取多少報酬,那麼你要看的是Risk-adjusted return的數值。
什麼是風險?談Risk Metrics(Standard Deviation、Risk of Loss、Value at Risk)
什麼是風險?談Risk Metrics(Excess Return、Tracking Error、Information Ratio、Sharpe ratio)
The Cross Section of Expected Stock Return讀後感----Beta的危機
Labels: 基本金融知識
Dear 版主 :
請問啥情形下..同一支基金. Treynor under perform market performace, 但是 Sharpe measure outperform market.
Daily ETF Watch: The Next Smart Beta Player
Heather Bell
January 15, 2016
Yet another traditionally active mutual fund shop is looking to join the ranks of its peers who have entered the ETF space via smart-beta funds. Franklin Templeton has filed for four index-based funds, three of which will target the same selection of factors, while the fourth will use a dividend investment approach.
The three multifactor funds will track indexes carrying the Franklin brand name. Each will cover different regions but target the same four factors: quality, value, momentum and low volatility. All three underlying indexes are derived from existing MSCI indexes, and set the weighting cap on any individual component at 2%. The funds and their benchmark’s parent indexes are as follows:
Franklin LibertyQ International Equity Hedged ETF, which will track an index derived from the MSCI EAFE
Franklin LibertyQ Emerging Markets ETF, which will track an index derived from the MSCI Emerging Markets
Franklin LibertyQ Global Equity ETF, which will track an index derived from the MSCI ACWI
The first of those three funds will have a currency hedge, while the other two will not.
Meanwhile, the Franklin LibertyQ Global Dividend ETF will also target two factors; namely, the growth and sustainability of dividends and quality. Its underlying index is based on the MSCI ACWI ex REITs, and like the other underlying indexes, puts a 2% cap on individual company weightings.
By planning the launch of multifactor smart-beta ETFs, Franklin Templeton seems to be following the same path as firms like John Hancock, J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs.
The new filing did not include tickers or expense ratios, but it did indicate the funds would list on the NYSE Arca exchange.
當富坦也開始出以Smart Beta為主題的策略指標式ETF時,這會是怎樣的光景?但至少有件事可以確定:這檔ETF的費用率一定會比傳統基金便宜,傳統投信與指數基金的衝撞--值得觀察!